MagiKats Blog
Tips and advice for parents
Just admit it - you do want the best for your child!
And what is wrong with that? I actually want even more! I want the best for every child – which is much harder to achieve. “I'm not a pushy parent.” That statement followed by ‘but’ forms part of almost every conversation that I have with a parent who gets in touch with a view to bringing along their child to see me about a boost in their maths or English.
Awards Galore for MagiKats students!
What’s one of the easiest ways in which we can encourage children to learn? Bribery! At MagiKats Tuition Centres, students are rewarded twice a year for the efforts they have put in, both in the workshops and at home.
Forward into summer - and backwards with learning
It’s like one of those GCSE maths questions that attract publicity for their complexity.

MagiKats at home - a parent's perspective
Find out what it’s like to be a MagiKats parent.
Tutoring - is it the answer?
A headline caught my attention! It said: “Ignore the fads: teachers should teach and students should listen.”
GCSEs are around the corner - help!
With GCSE exams around the corner, it’s time for a final push. Energy levels are running low and motivation is getting harder to find.
Getting extra help for your child
Yet again I have had a call from a parent who is worried because her son’s school has decided he needs extra help with his English.
Revision Tips - Structure is Key!
I remember seeing an interview with David Blaine where he was asked how he manages to achieve his incredible feats, how he persuades his body to endure sixty three hours encased in ice or thirty five hours atop a pillar.
Revision Tips - Supporting Self-Motivated Learners
So your teenager takes themselves off, unprompted, to revise on their own? Firstly, don’t brag! Secondly, don’t think your involvement is not needed or unwelcome (no matter what they say, shout, throw at the door...!).
About the MagiKats blog
This blog has been created by a family team: Jan Lomas and her daughters, Sarah Marsh and Emma Lomas. We all work as the team behind the ever growing MagiKats Maths and English, offering English and maths workshops to children aged up to about 16.