MagiKats Blog
Tips and advice for parents
Pre-teens: stressed, unhappy and under pressure! Just look at the statistics!
Going to a new school, sitting SATs, being re-assessed in Year 7. Our pre-teens are under more academic pressure than ever.
What Learning Style Does My Child Have? (Part One)
This article by MagiKats helps identify which learning style your child has. Understand how learning styles influence your child’s progress.
At What Age Can My Child Think?
How a MagiKats “Stage of Learning” provides a uniquely designed curriculum programme to help your child navigate Maths and English tuition gaps with ease.
Are we wasting time motivating children?
At MagiKats we’ve motivated students for more than a decade to complete MagiKats homework tasks. But how did we do it?
Back To School: Our 5 Top Tips!
As the summer holidays draw to a close, children can feel nervous about heading back to school – new teachers, new classmates, new challenges and tasks.
School summer holidays – the key to your child’s happiness and success?
The summer holidays are possibly the most important six weeks of the school year! The hardest times in anyone’s education are the times of change and the toughest of all is the move from primary to secondary.
Helping Your Teenager Revise for their GCSE Examinations
I once heard a teacher of GCSE English remark that one of the best ways to teach his students how to pass was to take the examination himself.
GCSE Revision Time – What Can a Parent Do?
When the great illusionist David Blaine was asked how he manages to achieve difficult stunts he admitted he says to himself, somewhat pragmatically; “so today I’m going to have breakfast, read the paper and stand in an ice block”.
Five Fun Verbal Maths Games to Play this Easter
One way of practising mathematics skills is to do so verbally. Verbal maths games are fun for everyone to play, and a great way for kids to learn their key maths skills.
The challenges facing the parents of a 'reluctant writer'
When it comes to English, this is one of the most common problems parents are facing and, unfortunately, it is more prevalent in boys than girls.