The affordability of MagiKats
How do you judge whether something is good value? If it is a television, then it might be the quality of the picture, the look of the set or its energy consumption. If it is a window cleaner, then it will be mostly about how clean your windows are, although a clean van and a smart person doing the cleaning will also be factors. So, how do you judge the value of tuition? A high-priced tutor could be well worth the price, or could be a waste of money. So, how do you find out? You ask around, see what their reputation is like amongst your friends. You search online to see if they have a website, testimonials.
A cheap tutor could be a bargain or a case of getting what you pay for. So, the same process applies here. A mid-priced tutor could also be good or bad – you get the idea! It comes down to reputation and recommendations.
So, is MagiKats expensive?
Ask the same questions.
Are people recommending my local centre?
Have a look at the MagiKats website. Many of our centres have links with parent recommendation websites, so you can read reviews which are of direct relevance to you. Use a search engine to find your local centre and see which other sites contain any discussions or recommendations. If you cannot find anything, that does not mean there are none, it just means the local Principal is maybe not that tech-savvy! Ask around – see if you can find people who have attended or are attending your local centre and see what they think.
Does the setup look professional?
Again, look at the MagiKats website. Read about the curriculum. Read other blog posts. Request information about your local centre and see what information is sent. Is the information clear? Call the local centre and ask to book a placement – there is no commitment to enrol and it will give you the opportunity to meet the local Principal and check you and your child are comfortable with them. If you don’t have a MagiKats close to you, or would prefer your child learns from home, we also offer online tutoring as an option.
How much DOES it cost?
After the initial placement session and enrolment, there is simply one monthly fee. No extras are charged. Fees vary from area to area, but are usually in the range of £70 to £90 per subject, per month, with no hidden extras.
How long am I locked into MagiKats?
We ask that everyone enrols for an initial period of at least three months, to ensure that every student has the chance to feel the benefit of their efforts. After that, we simply charge on a month-by-month basis. One month’s notice is required, by month end, to finish the next month. All fees are paid in advance by standing order: there are no refunds available for part months.
Do I get a refund for Public Holidays or when my children can't attend?
Sorry – no. There is a flat monthly fee, regardless of the number of workshops available and also regardless of the number of workshops you attend. Think of it a bit like a gym membership – you pay whether you attend or not. It keeps things simple. Also, we have to ensure that we maintain our staff:student ratio, so have to pay the staff, whether your child turns up or not!
Is there a discount for more than one child from the same family?
We do not normally offer any multiple enrolment discounts, but please ask your local Principal for their policy.
Do single parents or those on benefits have to pay?
I am afraid that we cannot accept any childcare vouchers or offer any subsidies. As an out-of-school educational programme operating limited hours, we are not eligible for Ofsted registration and so cannot enrol in any of the voucher schemes.
So, is MagiKats good value?
Only you can judge that!
Do you want to know more? Contact your local centre to discuss how they can help your child.