Encourage Your Child to Write to Santa and Make it (a little) Educational
S is for Silly Season
Isn’t it incredible we live in a world where if a child posts a letter to Santa Claus via Royal Mail, they receive an answer? Christmas is a time for fun, celebration and general silliness. At MagiKats, we think writing to Santa is a fun way to foster a love of writing. You can teach about letter writing format and salutations, alongside how to write an entertaining letter.
Dear Santa,
I really enjoyed last year’s reply and I’m really looking forward to your visit. My favourite part of Christmas is when we get some snow. What’s yours?
A is for Amazing Jokes and Facts
Santa loves to be entertained by jokes and facts. Encourage your child to write one of each to Santa.
Santa, did you know the Eskimos have 52 different words for snow because it is so important to their lives? Please make it snow for Christmas.
Here is a snow joke!
Q: What kind of math do Snowy Owls like? A: Owlgebra.
N is for Naughty or Nice
Santa has to know if you’ve been good this year. Your child can make a list of all the ways they’ve helped out. This is an excellent way to remember good times and write these down.
I’ve been awfully good this year and helped out a lot at school and at home. Here’s how … mufti day … around the house … with grandma … the garden …
T is for Tree
Santa likes to know you have been doing well in school. Try out some fun tree decoration ideas using maths:
This year, I helped decorate the tree by making stars. Each one had different numbers of points on them. I practised my numbers and counted 56 baubles, 14 crystal drops and 7 reindeer decorations in our Christmas box. I made snowflakes by measuring out different patterns with a ruler and cutting these out. Our tree looks great!
A is for Asking for Presents
Santa loves to give presents. Encourage your child to think about presents that are fun, and also improve their Maths and English skills.
This year I would really like some books by Jacqueline Wilson and a cooking set because I’m in charge of dividing the Christmas pudding up. I will be measuring out how much each person gets to eat and how many ice cream scoops each. I’m in charge of checking we have 4 roast potatoes each and one whole carrot each for my family dinner of 9. We need 36 roast potatoes and 9 carrots!
It’s easy to have a little educational fun at Christmas. Writing to Santa is a great way to get into the spirit of the silly season and start thinking about presents! And when it is all over, be sure to make it more fun after Christmas when writing thank you letters to relations:
Make it a challenge to get numbers into their thank you letters.
I’ve grown 5cm since summertime so size 7 jumpers are perfect for me.
Challenge them to use one interesting phrase or joke in each letter:
My favourite Christmas joke for you is: What is the first thing the elves learn in school? A: The “elf”-a-bet!”
Make this a fun project from the start by including a photo of them using the gift in a silly way.
Grandma and Grandpa, thanks for the IPAD!
'Eye' Pad
Merry Christmas!
From all the team at MagiKats HQ